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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2021


 Cryptocurrency and its innovation have been tremendous since it was introduced. One of the things cryptocurrency is known for is that its transactions are highly secure, verified, and all records are maintained or protected by cryptography, a decentralized system. These make it difficult or impossible for cryptocurrencies to double-spend or be counterfeited. Cryptocurrencies provide investors with an easy, innovative and profitable way to invest and earn money online. Also, it is important to note that digital currencies (cryptocurrency) such as bitcoin provide the world with a trusted gateway to personal wealth that cannot be restricted. not confiscated. To make crypto mainstream, a single platform like the HEPA FINANCE platform is needed where crypto enthusiasts (users, traders and investors) can easily review . An overview of their trading signals as well as crypto news updates not only helps them make informed decisions, but also puts an end to the stress of maintaining multip...


 KNOCKERS is the first cryptocurrency with perpetual rewards, adding liquidity, burning, marketing and charity donations built into its token Australian Kelpie is one of the fastest growing charity tokens. Every time $KNOCKERS is traded, a portion of each transaction goes to Underground Railroad Operations; knock on the door of the traffickers to rescue the victims. End human trafficking 30% additional liquidity each day will go to Underground Railroad Operation! Logo Perpetual Marketing 30% additional daily liquidity for project marketing. Logo Liquidity locked Initial liquidity plus 40% additional daily liquidity will be locked for 100 years!

Overview of NiftyPlanet

 Blockchains are the fundamental critical infrastructure of cryptocurrencies. The common feature of these distributed ledgers is the sequential update of a cryptographically secure, verifiable transaction record between a network of peer-to-peer counterparts, all operating under a single set of rules are implemented through the software itself. This profile is jointly owned and operated by anyone anywhere. While research into shared ledger technology dates back decades, the emergence of the Bitcoin blockchain introduced the first distributed ledger technology that was radically decentralized and resistant to censorship. approval, seizure and collusion. Blockchain technology, in its various manifestations including the Ethereum blockchain and others, is ultimately a system of global consensus - i.e. it allows people to coordinate and collaborate around a single source. neutral information without trusting each other or a central administrator. Use cases are diverse, from finance and...